Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Peaks and Valleys

So, how was our trip? You may be left wondering from my previously cryptic post. Our time in Minnesota can be summed up in the following high points and low points.

* High: Boo Boo having lots of outdoor fun, playing with Grandma and Auntie Krump in the snow for hours, and going to the zoo.

* Low: Missing a special party planned by our dear friends.

* High: Having Auntie Kim stay with us for two days.

* Low: Boo Boo having an allergic/asthmatic reaction while staying at his beloved grandparents' house.

* High: Boo Boo finally falling asleep in the car late Friday night when my dad and I tried to take him to the hospital the first time.

* Low: Ending up going to the Children's Hospital ER Saturday morning anyway.

* High: Boo Boo responding beautifully to the oral steroids, and getting to watch hours of Animal Planet while getting treated in the ER.

* Low: Moving all of our stuff from my parents' house to our old house after our visit to the hospital.

* High: My having a delicious candlelit dinner with an old friend, and Dear Husband going to a Wild-Red Wings hockey game.

* Low: Neither of the boys ever sleeping through the night.

* High: Christmas morning Mass at St. Augustine with the Liturginator (ad orientem, folks!), seeing my 90- and 94-year old grandmas and eating too much good food.

* Low: Leaving Dear Husband behind in Minnesota.

* High: DH being able to accompany us through the airport security checkpoint and to the gate.

* Low: The plane ride back to Texas -- especially when the lady in front of us asked to be moved because of the boys, and told me as much!

* High: The extra seat next to us that we got to use after two women in succession vacated it ... and guess why?!

* Low: When I somehow caught X-Man's lip in the car seat restraint on the taxi ride home, and made it swell and bleed.

* High: That the boys scuttled happily into our house and busily got to work playing with their toys; Boo Boo asked me immediately, "Mama, can you help me put on my armor?"


Anonymous said...

"Mama, can you help me put on my armor?"

There's no place like home...

+ lucienne

Anonymous said...
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Seasonal Learner said...

I am sorry that you had to come home early. What a hard death to a dream. We will see you soon and hear all about it valleys and lows.

Stella Borealis said...

Thanks, Pam, for the offer. We're hanging in there OK! =)

P.S./FYI -- I had to remove your comment because you used DH's name.