Sunday, December 2, 2007

Baby Steps

It seems like X-Man is doing something new every day -- that's why I love when my children turn a year.

Yes, I like babies, but they don't do much. It's after they turn one that they really start doing exciting things, so fast and so many that you can hardly keep track of them all.

X-Man is seriously flirting with the notion of walking. He's cruising, standing, taking a step here and there. The other day, I set X up with our toy "walker." And he did it! Yes, he is a bit peg-legged (he doesn't seem to bend his knees much). He gets stuck pretty easy. But he's moving about on his own, which is amazing to see. Hooray for our little X-Man!


Anonymous said...

Hooray indeed! I can hardly believe he's so big...

+ luci

Anonymous said...

awwwwww he's such a cutie :)
I can't wait to see him again....

<3Auntie Missa