Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy Feast of St. Nicholas!

When I was growing up, my mom used to put goodies in my shoes for me to find the morning of St. Nicholas' day. I was happy to pass on the tradition this morning with Boo Boo.

I bought him some bigger "chore boots" and stuffed them with apples, oranges and pears. No, I wasn't being quaint -- they really are his favorite things and true treats to him (as chocolate and many candies are not an option, of course...)!

He was quite excited to pull out the bounty and insisted on sitting right down to eat an apple .. and an orange ... and another apple. Thank the Lord for these moments of simple joy for simple things!

St. Nicholas, wonderworker, pray for us!

(For more information on the man who became known as Santa, visit the St. Nicholas Center.)


Anonymous said...

We learned about this in French class today!
Uh... I think we learned Father Christmas...
Pere Noel?
I think that's how you say it in French.... I can't remember because we only talked about it for a few minutes...
Well happy st. nick day!

Auntie Missa

Anonymous said...

New boots?! Lucky. (You know, Napoleon style. :P)

+ luci