Wednesday, December 12, 2007

God Bless Boo Boo

Three years ago today, Boo Boo was dunked three times in a big gold immersion bowl, and began his life in Christ.

I'll never forget the sight of him under water, screaming with his mouth open! Unconsciously, Dear Husband and I took a step closer to the bowl each time Boo Boo was dunked, in a protective measure. Watching him being immersed made me realize that baptism was truly a death of the "old man," and the birth of the "new man" in Christ.

We chose the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe for his baptism day, and prayed that he would have a special relationship with the Blessed Mother.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How crazy to think he's already three. Where on earth does the time go?

+ luci