Sunday, December 9, 2007

Feeling the Spirit

Last night, as we were saying grace before dinner, we noticed that X-Man put his little hands together. "Are you praying with us?!" we exclaimed excitedly. He just solemnly kept his hands together, and we got a chance to snap this photo...

Then this morning, at a very, very quiet Latin Mass, Dear Husband and I got distracted handling Boo-Boo in the pew. (We were second row, to the side.) The next thing I knew, X slid down to the floor and began speed crawling toward the priest giving the homily a few feet away. Eek! "How am I going to get him back without standing up and making a scene?!" I wondered in desperation. I had no choice but to get down on my hands and knees, grab one of his ankles and drag him back down the aisle. Praise God, he didn't make a peep! After that, I made a quick exit with him and we spent the rest of the Mass in the crying room. LOL!


Ron said...

So, was it you crying in the crying room!!! Sounds like we're not the only ones with 3 year old issues at mass. Terrible twos aren't looking so bad these days!!! Well, that might be an exageration.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Two priests perhaps?

+ luci