Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma

Our easy-going X-Man has gotten a little high maintenance lately. His fourth tooth is coming in his top gum, and he’s just beside himself. As seemingly his only source of comfort, I hardly get anything done.

For the last week, he’s been following me around the house, whimpering, “Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma,” All day – from the time he awakes, to the time he goes to bed. “Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma.” Hundreds of times a day. This morning, Dear Husband kidded that it must be like Chinese water torture for me to listen to it non-stop. Drip drip drip drip drip. Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma.

Boo Boo, too, has me on a short leash; he has ever since we moved. When we take walks, if I get more than 10 feet ahead of him, he cries out, “Stop, Mama! Please!” If I leave the room, he comes looking for me. If I'm out of sight, he calls for me, "Mama! Mama!"

I’m in high demand being a Mama. Sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming to be so tied to such needy little creatures.

But I just try to take a deep breath, and smile into their little faces, and say, “You’re going to be OK. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” I’m just grateful that I’m able to say that to them – and be there when they need me. No matter how much right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To be so loved!

+ luci