Saturday, December 29, 2007

His Mother's Son

Boo Boo definitely takes after his father in his love of and need for order in the world. But yesterday, I witnessed some convincing evidence that he is undoubtedly a child of mine.

I was sitting down for a blood-sugar pick-me-up in the middle of the afternoon, when Boo Boo sidled up to me. I tend to snack on the sly -- as he's usually allergic to what I am eating! -- but I had let my guard down this time. I was eating chips and salsa is full view of him.

He saw the tortilla chips and asked the inevitable. Instinctively, I cringed ... until I remembered that he actually could eat the corn-based chips. So I invited him to climb up and sit next to me, and he dug into the bag with fervor and delight. Next he asked, "Mama, what's that?" pointing to the salsa. I realized that the could actually eat that, too! "It's salsa, honey; do you want some?" He said excitedly, "Oh yes, Mama!"

So he began dipping his chips in the salsa, and started the love affair that I share with this particular snack. "Mm mm mm! This is so good! I weawwy, weawwy wike this!" he declared. Even little brother had to try some.

Then I decided to be really gutsy, and share my juice spritzer with Boo Boo. (I hardly ever, ever let him have juice and had avoided this moment for a long time so I could drink my favorite beverage in peace!) After one drink, his eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "This is better! I wove this!" And after he took the last swig, he pointed to the can and said to me, "This is all in my stomach; my big fat stomach!"

He's been asking me all day today for more chips, but I've held strong. I don't want to make it a daily habit, but I will let him indulge in this new guilty pleasure from time to time -- and help him finish the bag of chips! He is a boy after my own foodie heart! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... Once again, the words, "I want to suck his face off" come immediately to mind. MAN ALIVE, he's so dang cute! I love that he's chuggin' down with his armor on. Gives a new meaning to "knight in shining armor". Please squeeze the guts right outta him for me. :P

+ luci