Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What We're Doing Now

I think I've figured out a way to tire out Boo-Boo enough so he'll take an afternoon nap again. (He's all but given them up! =() We've been hanging out at our neighborhood's splash pad in the mornings, and he's yawning by lunchtime. Of course, we're the only people there, as I'm getting the impression that most of our neighbors don't stay home with their kids. But even though he has no playmates, BB still runs around and plays quite a bit. Even X-Man is exploring some of the puddles. And I get to sit in the sun (one of the things I like best about Texas). Everyone wins! =)

1 comment:

Ron said...

We have found that Brandy Alexanders work quite well for dealing with kids that fight naps. This of course is for consumption by the parents, not the children :)