Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It Takes a Village

Well, we made it. We're here. But it took everything in me -- and lots of other people -- to transport the boys across the country. And now, I'd like to thank everyone who made this trip possible...

* God bless the taxi driver who helped Boo-Boo out of his seat and to the skycab.

* God bless the man who held X-Man while I had to unpack our entire backpack looking for suspicious liquids.

* God bless the woman in security who grabbed BB as he ran through the scanner and down the hallway as I was fumbling with the backpack.

* God bless the man who grabbed BB (as I had to fold up the stroller) before he ran into the plane without me.

* God bless the passengers behind and in front of us who played peek-a-boo with X, even though he was crying for half the flight.

* God bless the miraculous, God-sent, phenomenal woman who sat next to us on the plane; her first words to me were, "I think children are such blessings from God." She was the epitome of patience, gentleness and love while X was inconsolable and Boo-Boo stunk up his Pull-Up.
And lastly, thank you, Lord, for the moment when the plane first broke through the clouds and Boo-Boo turned to me and said, "Mama! It wooks wike angels outside!"


Unknown said...

Awwwwww that's so sweet... I'm so glad that people were nice enough to help you out :)

I can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!

Seasonal Learner said...

I am glad you made it and am looking forward to your return:)selfish I know, but colds bring that out in me:)

Anonymous said...

I am in tears. How incredibly beautiful. Inconsolable cries and all. The angels were with you, dear Stella. BB even knew that.

+ luci