Saturday, October 13, 2007

Friday Night Lights

What could be more Texan than having a bowl of chili -- and cornbread! -- and heading to the hometown high school football game on a Friday night? That's just what we did with my cousin's family. I knew that Texans were serious about football, but this game even exceeded my expectations.

The stadium had permanent stands for the home and visitors sections, faux-grass asphalt, a big screen for replays, and even a blow-up wildcat head -- complete with smoke machine -- for the Wildcat players to run through onto the field. At halftime, the incredibly impressive marching bands and enormous (and surprisingly dignified!) dance teams from both the home and visiting schools performed.

Our university didn't even have it this good! I felt like I was at a Big 10 game.

What more, Boo-Boo thoroughly enjoyed his first live sporting event. He sat spellbound through most of the game, even clapping for touchdowns. He was particularly thrilled with the bands; when we left after halftime, he marched out of the stands -- to the amusement of onlookers, as usual!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Slice is wearing jeans! NO WAY.

+ luci