Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Two Months Down

I'm due for another early morning reflection -- not only because I can't fall back asleep again, but it's been almost two months since we arrived in Texas. (Fascinating how time can go so slow and so fast!) So here's an update on our lives here.

* Dear Husband seems to be doing the best of all of us and is thoroughly enjoying the challenges and highlights of his new position. He has been blessed with wonderful co-workers and is able to attend daily Mass downtown. DH is still putting in some long hours, but overall things are looking quite good.

* I've joined Familia (a mothers-with-young-children study group that is reading papal encyclicals on the family this year) in a neighboring suburb, and a mom's group with our parish downtown, so I'm making some acquaintances. But I still long for a nearby friend with boys who are a good match for mine. I've found that even when you meet others of like mind, or with kids of like ages, it doesn't mean that everything is going to work out! =(

* Boo-Boo is still concerning us, so please pray for him! He continues to wake me up in the middle of the night a few times a week for various reasons: hunger, nose wiping and "hurting" diaper. (The tabs irritate his skin; we've switched to Pull-Ups now.) We're not sure why this is happening. And he is showing a lack of interest in making friends or even playing on playgrounds, which is not at all like him. Transitions are still hard for him (leaving the house, leaving the library, one of us going out without him) and his moodiness is increasing. We can't figure out of it's the move, the age or just ... who he is?

* Mercifully, X-Man seems to be thriving and continues to be the embodiment of joy for all of us. And he sleeps through the night more often than his big brother! =P He's standing by himself for a few seconds at a time, can go up stairs and can climb onto Boo-Boo's bed. What's next?! We'll keep you posted.

Thanks for caring! =)


Ron said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh, Stella. Time surely does fly by. And the littles ones will be married before you know it - BB to the Church, of course. ;) Oh how I wish I could squeeze him silly. And make a friend myself. Sigh.

+ lonely in the Nash