Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Home and Back Again

The boys and I are back on Texas soil after a fairly uneventful flight; what a relief! X-Man slept for an hour (praise God!) and Boo-Boo watched Signing Time on the DVD player. All that teething medicine saved the day!

We had such a wonderful, wonderful week with our family and friends. It hardly could have been better (except that I never made it to Cosetta's =( ). Boo-Boo got to see lots of his little friends, with which he had a memorable wrestle and a sword fight; we got the annual portraits taken of the boys; we went to both zoos; BB got to go on a carriage ride and choose a pumpkin for carving; my parents braved taking BB to a brass band concert; and we celebrated all three of our birthdays.

But the entire trip was pretty surreal for many reasons.

* It is so, so strange to visit a place you've lived for 30 years -- and not know when you were going to live there again.

* I felt like I was caught in a time warp. When I left the Cities in August, it was as if a door had closed in my mind and time stood still. How surprising -- and surprising that it was surprising! -- to get off the plane and see that the world was still turning in Minnesota!

* We saw many of our friends and their children while in the Cities, and I was shocked by how much the children had all changed -- some dramatically, some subtly. Even the moms -- with a different haircut, pregnancy or weight loss -- looked very, very different to me. I wondered how the boys and I must have appeared different to everyone else.

So much can happen in three short months!


Ron said...

Ode to the Twin Cities

We called you home for many years
And perhaps will again some day
Until that time, we'll think of thee,
fondly, each day.

Anonymous said...

It is crazy, isn't it? And having been away from Minne for almost six years now (YOWZA!), it's still weird.

Sadly, I have forgotten many of the names of places (including Cosetta's! :() and often get confused in my head when trying to remember how to get to certain areas. Which truly blows my mind because I lived there for almost 27 years.

+ lucienne