Saturday, October 6, 2007

Before and After

The day is finally here. We've put Boo-Boo in big-boy underpants. It's been a long time in coming, but it's now or never.

This is Boo-Boo before. I was trying to take a photo of him in front of his first rainbow, but he was preoccupied with yanking at the back of his diaper in discomfort, poor thing.

This evening, he was tearing at his uncomfortable diaper as usual, and his sweaty skin wasn't able to breathe because of the plastic.

Providentially, this moment coincided with the arrival of the spring horse and BB's obsession with St. George, St. Michael, St. Francis of Assisi, or any other knight who fights evil creatures. Cue the toy armor we've been saving for a special occasion.

So now, we're on a barter system. He sits on the potty when asked and doesn't wet his underpants, he gets to keep the armor. He won't cooperate or has an "accident," we take the armor away. (Thanks to our dear friend for this strategy!)

We got through the evening successfully and put him to bed with Pull-Ups. Pray for us. All of us. We'll let you know how it goes.


Ron said...

Today Joseph is getting his cast off, which we've decided will also be the time to "cast off" the diapers! We also will be employing the barter system. May we be united in "holding it".


Anonymous said...

Hello there from the Scalia's! We are going to be in San Antonio this Weds.- Sunday morning for Robbie. I wanted to say hi and if you want to try and meet somewhere during the week give my hubby a call at work and we can try to figure something out. My Isabel was Baptised on September 23rd and it was amazing! Hopefully we can keep in touch while you are there.
God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I'm absolutely sure I've never seen Dom look better than he does in battle gear and on horseback.

Great news about the progress with the potty thing. I've always said that the key is to find the right bribe. Keep up the good work...all of you!

Anonymous said...

Our beloved Kaz said it best "I'm absolutely sure I've never seen Dom look better than he does in battle gear and on horseback." (Although, I am quite fond of BB's Queenish frowns. I know you don't, but I LOVE this phase of "sad-face". It absolutely KILLS me.)

+ luci