Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Gentle Reminder

Today I had one of those moments -- the ones that make me wonder, "Why is it that I am doing this?"

I had been a real grouchball to Dear Husband last night and this morning, so by mid-morning I decided to do something nice for him. I decided to bring the boys to his office for lunch, as we would be downtown anyway.

I parked in an underground ramp nearby, dragged out the double stroller and started hauling the boys, their bag and our lunch out of the minivan. I was already anxious (what's more vulnerable than a mom and two small children with no cell phone reception in a parking ramp?), weary and sweating; Boo-Boo was being his obstinate self and X-Man was on the edge due to hunger and teething.

I got us to the only elevator ... and it was out of order. Of course! As I stood there, trying to figure out what to do, two gallant businessmen passed by and offered to carry the boys and stroller up the stairs. Unfortunately, I didn't know how I'd get everything down again afterward. I had no alternative but to go back to the minivan, give up on the stroller, and schlep the boys and gear up the stairs myself.

Despite X's wigglings and BB fighting my grip on his arm all the way, I got them across a busy street to the office building safely. Now for the security check. I tried to keep an eye on BB while fishing out my ID, holding X so he wouldn't launch himself out of my arms and loading the backpack on the conveyor belt. I walked with X through the scan and had to ask BB sternly three times to follow me through. He ran behind me and began scampering about the lobby, delighting the guards.

I was desperately trying to balance X, grab our bag, not forget anything and prevent BB from running into any poor unsuspecting person when I heard a guard say, "Ma'am." I was so preoccupied, I didn't answer. "Ma'am," he said again. I thought to myself, "Now what?!" Then I finally looked up at him. "You have two beautiful boys," he said to me very slowly, with a big smile.

And I had to stop. And take a breath. And remember. There is a reason I'm doing this. I have two beautiful boys. And my boys love and miss their Daddy. And my husband loves and misses his boys. I am blessed to have them all, and I I love them dearly.


* IrwinSong * said...

I miss you! I LOVE reading your blog. Your raw honesty is so ... encouraging and refreshing and heartwarming. :) I wish we could hang out right now! I look forward to catching up more soon...hopefully this weekend?
Ciao Ciao!!
In Christ,
Michelle I

Anonymous said...

You do have beautiful boys. I mean really, one of them is even an owl! Er, jaguar! Er, Buffalo Bill! Er, er, er, er, er, er, er...

+ luci