Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Rise and Fall of Boo-Boo

It has finally "cooled" off here -- highs in the low 80s today -- so we went to the zoo with a friend.

Lately, Boo-Boo has been afraid of the carousel and wouldn't agree to go on it the first time I asked. As we were passing by it a second time, he actually wanted to take a ride. After the first ride, he begged me for another. I said it would be the last, as I knew I'd go broke fueling his new habit.

But, of course, when the second ride ended, he wouldn't get off. I had to carry him literally kicking and screaming to a nearby bench to recover.

How mean of a mom am I? I couldn't resist taking a photo of him crying his eyes out. Such a drama king!


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

1. That picture is PRICELESS.
2. BB's got his boots on.
3. Your children are gorgeous.

+ lucienne