Friday, February 1, 2008

Boy in a Bubble?

We are getting a clearer picture of what we're up against with Boo Boo's health after going to our new allergist in Texas (love him!) and getting more extensive testing for environmental allergies (thanks to four nurses holding him down and sticking him four times to get enough blood).

Turns out -- on top of being allergic to wheat/gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, peanuts, dogs, cats and cockroaches -- he's also allergic to 10 different kinds of mold, eight trees, house dust, hay and grass, and my personal favorite: English plantain (pictured).


After I got these results, I looked incredulously at Boo Boo and thought to myself, "How do you look so normal on the outside when you're a ticking timebomb on the inside?!"

We go back into the allergist in a few weeks for a follow-up visit, and to begin allergy shots for these latest findings. (I can control the food he intakes, but I can't control the environment!) The doctor is in wonder of Boo Boo, too -- officially the healthiest looking sickly child in the world.

I'm more convinced every day -- but especially today -- that Boo Boo is a complete miracle. There must be a reason for his existence, against all odds. God has a plan for his life that is as incredible and mysterious as Boo Boo. We'll just have to keep him in a bubble until we know what that plan is! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha :)
Hopefully all his allergies don't give him too many horrible symptoms!
