Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Zingers and Nudges

I've been relishing my private prayer time every day, especially reading the daily reflections from "In Conversation with God" by Francis Fernandez.

There have been a few lines each day that have really spoken to me -- zapping my lazy soul or gently reminding me of spiritual treasures often forgotten.

I thought you might "enjoy" some of them, so to speak...

* One of the clearest symptoms of lukewarmness having entered into a soul is precisely such an abandoning of the Cross, a contempt for little mortifications, a scorning of anything that in some way involves sacrifice and self-denial ... The Christian who goes through life systematically avoiding sacrifice will not find God, will not find happiness. What he will have been taking care to avoid is his own sanctity.

* (Jesus as physician.) Jesus comes for all, for we are all sick and we are all sinners; No-one is good but God alone. ... All of us need God, every day. If anyone thinks he does not need God, he will not be given strength; he will go on being overshadowed by his interior death or his sickness.

* The devil is unable to violate our liberty so as to incline it toward evil. It is a certain fact that the devil cannot seduce anybody if he does not freely give to the devil the consent of his will.

* We have to treat our guardian angel as we would a good friend. He is always on the watch, constantly prepared to give us his aid, if only we would ask him. It is a great pity when, through ignorance or forgetfulness, we do not sense the company of such a faithful companion, or do not ask for help whenever we need it. We are never alone at moments of temptation or difficulty. Our guardian angel helps us; he will remain by our side until the very moment we leave this world.

Thank you, Sir! May I have another! =)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Awesome!! Thanks so much for this!