Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Uncle M and Aunt C arrived late Saturday night and will be in Texas for the next week.

As soon as the boys saw them, they RAN toward them and securely attached themselves. Uncle M is particularly a hit, as he is an amusing playmate for the boys. We are thrilled to see that Aunt C's baby belly is growing, as she is due in late May/early June. Yay for family -- and COUSINS! =)

On Sunday we visited an immense and impressive battleship, and thoroughly enjoyed exploring its heights and depths. Poor Dear Husband was a little anxious while on board, as he was terrified of the boys running off the deck and falling 100-some feet into the water. I don't think Boo Boo would have taken the plunge, but X-Man kept running for the edge!

Now, Uncle and Aunt have set out on their own for a short trip to see another town; they'll be rejoining us at the end of this week. Good thing, too; X keeps craning his neck around looking for them!


Megan said...

I LOVE the family pic!! Adorable!

Anonymous said...

So funny that your younger was more daring than your older! Same with mine. MC is always trying stuff that has not even entered J's mind! AMD