Monday, February 4, 2008

Pros and Cons

We are trying to figure out what we should do to treat Boo Boo's allergies, and would appreciate any input you'd like to offer via comments or direct email. I am going to research a bit online, but that always gets overwhelming. I'd like to hear about peoples' real experiences to help inform our decision.

N.B. -- BB's allergies seem directly linked to his asthma, which sends us to the ER so much. If we eliminate the allergies, we keep the asthma attacks at bay.

It seems there are three options: allergy shots, allergy elimination therapy and status quo.

Pros: covered by insurance; successful for some patients; recommended by allergist
Cons: may not work; may be horrible and painful experience every other week for years on end; what else is the allergist going to tell me?!

Pros: "holistic" treatment; not painful; fewer treatments that are supposed to last forever
Cons: not covered by insurance; from anecdotal evidence, works for about half of patients for a limited time; we've been burned in the past with other family members being unsuccessfully treated.

Pros: Boo Boo is fine from day to day, as long as I control his food and don't let him near dogs or cats
Cons: His asthma does seem out of control; I'm sick of our lives being controlled by attacks; I don't want to go to the ER so often!

Please discuss amongst yourselves...


Anonymous said...

Status quo?


Anonymous said...

go with the shots. I had a really good friend in HS that experienced allergies. The shot was a miracle worker for him.

Seasonal Learner said...

Our family did the allergy shot thing and it actually helped tremendously when my sister and I were little. Not too terrible actually. The kiddos get used to the shots and we always got free stickers or something.