Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our Little Stinker

X did give me some excitement tonight after all. As I turned my back during dinner, he emptied the entire bag of puffed corn on his tray and the surrounding floor, much to his delight.

It was one of those moments -- after a long week and a long day, and after just vacuuming cracker crumbs in another room -- that I had to laugh, or I'd cry!

But who could be upset with this cute little stinker? Even when he unrolls the toilet paper and tries to eat it, I have to chuckle.


Ron said...

Sounds like our little Mary Clare. She is very good at tellings us when she doesn't want something. She whips it right onto the floor, forcefully! What's funny is that she does that with her water cup. She'll take a drink then throw it down because she wants more food. Then she'll throw the food down because she wants more water. Then the cup goes back down, etc.

At least she knows how to communicate!

Anonymous said...

Didn't you know that TP has many beneficial ingredients? Silly Stella.

+ me - again