Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

We shook it up a little this Sunday, with mixed reviews.

Dear Husband was blessed enough to catch a quiet, meditative Tridentine Mass at Assumption, as he had to go into town anyway. (Turns out now they're doing a daily Trid Mass, too -- if you can believe it!)

The boys and I braved a new parish in a neighboring suburb. (That should send up the red flags right there!) I figured that if my new Familia group was based there, it couldn't be that bad. Unfortunately, my theory was proven wrong.

Our experience this morning could be classified as the following:

* The Good: Boo-Boo deciding that he did want to be a good boy and go back into the sanctuary after I held him in a vice grip in the crying room during the homily.

* The Bad: An all-male choir that made everything they sang sound like a seafaring song, and a woman on a grand piano who thought she was the next Liberace.

* The Ugly: A priest who sang the Eucharistic prayer like he was on "American Idol" and left out some fairly important words (which made me question the validity of the Mass), and then distributed the Most Holy Body of Christ like he was dealing cards at a poker party.

Let's just say, we'll all be making the trek into town every Sunday ...


Anonymous said...

hahaha! how funny! I am soo sorry you had to go through that, but it is funny.....have fun traveling into town every sunday morning!

Anonymous said...

Yes, my dear, it's rough out here in the 'burbs. I'd hoped for a better report from TX but am not really surprised. So much is trivialized in the suburbs--and I speak as a 35-year resident of one. The Church should be leading us to a deeper way of life rather than joining in the silliness. Oh, my head hurts....Still, now you know why we make the long trek into St. Paul.

Anonymous said...

KAZ! Stella! My two faves in one "place" at the same time... Oh the dream of it.

+ luci