Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Gratuitously Cute Photos of the Week

Just had to share these two of the boys I took recently. The first is Boo-Boo playing peek-a-boo with X-man; I just love the look of pure joy on X's face!

The second is of BB "helping" with X's mealtime by reading a board book to him. Lest you mistakenly think our children are anywhere near perfect, I'll share how this idyllic reading session ended:

1) X reached for the book.
2) BB screamed "NO!" at him.
3) I took the book away from BB as punishment.
4) BB dissolved into a screaming fit on the kitchen floor.
5) X started crying because BB was crying.

Just a day in the life at our house! =)


Anonymous said...

Wonderful picture and delightful story-after-the-photo. Much the same thing happens at the Wilmette estate when Grandchild #1 "helps" with Grandchild #2. There's probably something near-universal going on here....

Anonymous said...

OK. Even though we all know X's looks are COMPLETELY from DH's side of the fam, X looks so much like you in in the first pic it's creepy.

+ luci