Thursday, September 27, 2007


We've been waiting for weeks for X-Man's first sign. We've done the Baby Signing Time routine, and Boo Boo has been signing to X, too. We knew it was only a matter of time, but we didn't know when.

Then tonight, when Dear Husband got home, X made a beeline for him -- as usual. And when DH picked up our precious Dumpling, X said, "Da!" and raised his little hand in the air. We asked him to sign "Daddy" and he did it again.

Now, it isn't a perfect "thumb-of-open-hand-bouncing-on-forehead" sign for Daddy, but he communicated well enough for us to figure it out!

How often can a tiny person make two big people jump around and shout for joy? Tonight was one of those times. We were ecstatic, and my heart is overflowing with pride (the good kind)! I'm so excited to get to know X even better, in an entirely new way. We'll just have to work really hard on the sign for "Mom" next! ;-)


Ron said...

Great news about the infant presently known as X. Sounds like he'll be in toddler-land soon.

Stella Wella, what a spankin' pad you too have! I'm so happy the housing situation worked out. God is so Good!

Anonymous said...

Loved getting the news about my Godson (urge you to begin working on sign for "godmother" ASAP) and getting a glimpse of your lovely TX home. I cannot WAIT to come for my visit. Nor can I wait for your return to MN. Any firm dates yet?

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I can only imagine how proud you are... This weekend we gave Aggie her favorite treat, Frosty Paws (= doggie ice cream cup), and because it was slipping & sliding about on the hardwood floor, she proceeded to pick it up and place it on a rug for slipping & sliding-free enjoyment. It brought a tear to my eye. And she's a dog.

+ luci