Saturday, September 1, 2007

One Month: An Early Morning Reflection

As I've been lying awake since X-Man's 4am feeding, I can't stop thinking about the fact that it is September already. In a few days, we will mark a month since we left home and arrived here.

The time has gone both slow and fast. And though some things have gone remarkably well, praise God, we are not without our challenges.

So if you have any prayers to spare, please consider the following intentions:

* X-Man: Though still the sweetest child in creation (in our unbiased opinion), X is being haunted by something mysterious. He has had a hard time sleeping since we got here, and is physically uncomfortable almost every day. Could it be gas, as usual? A tooth, finally? (He still doesn't have one tooth in his head at almost 11 months!) Who knows. Whatever it is, it's making him weepy and clingy, and just out of sorts.

* Boo-Boo: As he has always been the most phenomenal and challenging child from minute to minute, he's taken it up another notch since we arrived. We're hoping this is just a wretched terrible-twos-going-into-terrible-threes stage that we'll look back on with laughter someday. But in the midst of it, we're getting a bit beleaguered with his "Via Negativa." It seems that everything is a battle, and every word that comes out of his mouth is some form of "No!" And, as it seems to be the popular thing to do around here, he's quite weepy and clingy.

* Me: I would dare to say the house is settled and I'm getting used to how things work here (i.e., we're not running to Wal-Mart twice a day anymore ... well, most days!). But I'm adjusting to Dear Husband -- the only adult and physically present friend in my very small world right now -- being gone for 11 hours a day and the lack of a much-needed friend (stay-at-home mom with children to play with my children) this side of town. I'm getting by OK, but struggling with some feelings of loneliness and isolation (what a surprise?! ;-)) I know it's only going to get better, but it's a hard time at the moment.

* Dear Husband: Pray that this year will be a resounding success for him professionally.

Well, hope that wasn't too alarming or sobering for any of you. When it's 5am, DH and I both can't sleep, and we're facing another long day with the boys, the unpolished nitty-gritty of our life comes out.

Thanks in advance for your prayers. Please let us know if you have any of your own intentions. We'd be more than happy to return the favor...


Anonymous said...

If only I could come scoop you up and bring you to the Nash. We'd have loads of fun together = we'd each have a friend.

Big love,
+ lucienne

Anonymous said...

Wish you guys were still here; I know you probably miss us like we miss you-I hope we can come visit you guys! Kim and me are always talking about when Dom says, "I don't want Auntie Kim!" Or "I don't want Auntie Missa!" We miss that. We miss Xav's big toothless grin. You're in our hearts and prayers.

Love always,
Melissa :)

Ron said...

I unite my feelings of solitude my screaming two-year-old's antics to yours. God's plan is so big. May your sacrifice bear fruit.

We miss you much.