Saturday, September 8, 2007

MORE Middle-of-the-Night Feedings?!

The last week or so, Boo-Boo has awakened us at 6am every morning. After a few days, I figured out he was just hungry, and sent him back to bed with a few breakfast bars. (It's getting darker in the mornings, praise God, so he still believes it's nighttime!)

We've tried really pushing the bedtime snack to alleviate the problem, to no avail.

Last night, BB awoke me (love that I continue to be the source of food for my children years after weaning!) at 3am, wanting something to eat. Then again, at 6:30am. He's waking up in the night for food more than X-Man now!

Any ideas on solutions? Should I put a snack bar in his room? Ignore the requests to break him of the habit? (As someone who's also always hungry and can't sleep without a full stomach, I can't imagine doing this.) Is he in a growth spurt, and this is only a passing phase? Your help would be much appreciated!


Anonymous said...

if he is hungry, feed him

Seasonal Learner said...

I happen to be one of those people that don't sleep without food so I am no help to you. I probably would feed him and then pray that it is just a growth spurt. At least you know you won't have to do this when he is in college. In fact, E and I plan on calling our son in the middle of the night or early morning to tell him that we are hungry or need a drink of water. We have grand plans.

Anonymous said...

It's probably a growth spurt, everytime I go on a growth spurt, I wake up in the middle of the night, wanting food...