Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Turkey Lurkey

Boo Boo asks to eat roast beef every single day, so every week I roast some meat, carrots and potatoes. He devours the beef, and eats a carrot or two, but he'll only consume a piece of potato in order to watch a video after dinner.

Tonight was the usual routine of bartering for TV time, until he finally put a potato in his mouth and ran into the living room to watch "The Odyssey" animated video. At some point during the evening, I noticed that one of his cheeks seemed bigger than the other ... but they are so fat, who could be sure?

Hours later, I was finishing up his tooth brushing before bed when I came upon a smooth, tan chunk of food in the pocket of his chipmunk cheek. So that is how he had gotten rid of the despised potato! What a First-Class Turkey! =P


Seasonal Learner said...

Hey I am sorry you have been feeling so bad! I saw turkey there at the zoo in the picture. Want to try for next week together?

Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS! And the little sweetness is after my own heart! My mom and dad can tell you sooooo many stories of how I'd hide food in my pockets, behind the 'fridge (when I'd go for a refill of Kool Aid or whatever), under the table (in hopes Gus would devour my droppings), rolled up in my napkin, under my tongue... What can you do when you don't like the taste of something? And especially potatoes! I couldn't stand them as a kid. Like most other foods. My nickname wasn't Skinny for no good reason. ; )

+ luci