Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another Quiet Week

Two weeks ago, the boys were sick. Last week, Dear Husband and I were sick. This week, DH and I are not fully recovered, and are limping along in our duties. I continue to go to bed by 8:30 every night! Praise God!

Unfortunately, my poor Dear Husband has had to stay at work astronomically late every night this week, and we've missed him quite a bit. So we made the valiant effort to visit him for lunch at his office and bring him a home-made card.

We had a lovely time with DH and his coworkers, but by the time we loaded them into the minivan, I was feeling wretched. But God is good. Boo Boo fell asleep on the way home and slept for an hour and a half in the car in the attached garage. And I was able to put X-Man down for his afternoon nap, too. So, I actually was able to rest for a bit. Bliss is a silent house, with both children sleeping simultaneously!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Bliss is a silent house, with both children sleeping simultaneously!"

And I imagine even moreso when you feel like poo? I am sad to hear you're not 100% yet. Sigh.

+ luci