Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Buzzed Boo Boo

Due to a lack of communication between me and Miss Tonya, our family barber, Boo Boo has been buzzed.

She did a wonderful job cutting X-Man's muskrat mullet, but she forgot to ask what I wanted for Boo Boo. Miss Tonya got out the clippers when I was busy handling X, and by the time I tuned in and asked, "Are you buzzing his hair?!" it was too late.

As all things, it was providential. Both Dear Husband and I had noticed that Boo Boo has resorted to his old habit of pulling his cowlick hair, and forgot to mention it to the other.

So, now he's back to his buzzed glory. It's actually endeared him to us even more, as it makes his beautiful fat cheeks even more striking, and he looks like a baby novice monk. What could be better?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"What could be better?"

Um, sucking his cheeks off?!

+ luci