Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just Can't Get Enough

It seems we can't stay out of the ER for longer than two weeks. Tonight, we ended up there again -- though not due to asthma or allergies, thankfully.

After dinner, Boo Boo was riding his spring horse. I was sitting on our futon couch, and asked him for some "Boo Boo wove" -- special hugs and kisses from him. He scrambled down to oblige me and slipped, slamming the back of his head on the futon arm and hitting his face and mouth somehow.

Now, I can't tell you how many times the boys have hurt themselves and I've had to turn them over and look for blood. Until tonight, I'd never seen it. But Boo Boo had really whacked himself, and I could see a cut in his scalp open under his hair. (Thank God he's buzzed, huh?!) He also was bleeding from his mouth, but I couldn't tell where from. We tried to clean him up and applied pressure to slow the bleeding.

Praise God that Dear Husband was home, and we could make the quick decision to bring him to the ER. Boo Boo was acting fine otherwise, but he was NOT in the mood to be examined. He threw the biggest fit I've ever witnessed from him -- totally hysterical. It took three of us adults to hold him down and get his mouth open to examine it. He had ripped the tissue that connects the upper lip to the gum; nothing could be done about that.

Then, the wise and experienced medical team swaddled him in a blanket (a straighjacket really!) for the examination of his scalp. The doctor cleaned it out and put two staples in it, which was completely surreal to watch happen. He'll get them removed in a week.

Once the doctor was done and left him alone, he recovered quickly. "Mama, could you read me that dinosaur book over there?" he asked shortly after. Then he doodled on the doctor's notepad until we left. (You can see in the last picture that he is back to his old self -- still refusing to smile nicely for the camera, as usual!)

When I got home I was exhausted, and handed him over to his father. Then I got to clean the pen marks from the couch cover due to his continued doodling and rinse the blood out of his and my shirts. As Dear Husband and I like to say, especially on nights like tonight, parenting is not for wimps!

But thank God for his guardian angel; he's working overtime these days!


Ron said...

I've seen a lot of westerns that portray Texas as a wild place, and they sure weren't kidding. That place IS wild! God bless you for your patience!

Anonymous said...

Hot Dog! BB's such a trooper... if he's not rubbing a burger on his forehead (it still makes me laugh out loud at the thought!) he's in the ER getting staples on the other side. Yowza.

+ luci