Monday, January 21, 2008

True Confessions

* I have been awake since 3:45 a.m. for no good reason, and cannot go back to sleep.

* I have been browsing my friends' blogs (especially this one) on the internet and thoroughly enjoying myself! I am snuggled in blankets, in the silence, and in the dark, and I am quite content.

* I am totally in love with my husband. My dear cousin (THANK YOU, E!) watched the boys last night while we celebrated Dear Husband's birthday with an incredibly enjoyable fancy dinner on the town. We were so, so pleased to share a quiet, delicious meal. Then we went shopping at Whole Foods for the boys' special food. How romantic, huh? But as I've been telling him lately, I'd happily dig ditched with him; I just like being around him, whatever we're doing!

* I locked the keys and X-Man in the minivan by himself after Mass on Sunday, and he was stuck in there for about 20 minutes. (Boo Boo escaped this fate because he was visiting the onsite Marian shrine that he runs to after every Mass. A life lesson in itself!) The police, fire department, AAA and a few tow trucks all showed up in short succession and got him out. What joy to be reunited! An extremely kind parishioner stood outside in the cold and kept me company while checking on X periodically for me. (I couldn't let him see me, as he'd scream even more!)

* We took our boys to a brewery tour Saturday with Dear Husband's colleagues and most of the populations of the local universities. One of his co-workers and wife brought their infant, and there was one other scandalous family with boys about the same ages as ours. Half of the crowd was amused by the boys jumping in puddles. The other half looked at us like they'd never seen a baby before. We did feel a little -- I'll say it! -- white trash, kind of like that scene in "Sweet Home Alabama": "You have a baby ... in a bar!" But it was a fun time hanging out with friends and the picnicking beer lovers. St. Arnold, patron saint of brewers, pray for us! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should be charged with child endangerment! OY!

+ luci