Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Phenomenal Moment of the Day

For Christmas, Boo Boo received some lovely books on our country's forefathers. He prefers the one on Abraham Lincoln to Benjamin Franklin, of course; what's better than young Abe fighting off pirates on the Mississippi River? (And who knew he was such a brute!) Still, he has only sat through it a few times, as it is close to 30 pages long.

Boo Boo has also been very interested in maps lately, so we've been going over the U.S. map and pointing out the states. (I even sing him the "Fifty Nifty United States" song that I learned in grade school -- thanks Mrs. Sederstrom!) He always finds Texas, even on a world map. I'm about ready to send him to the Jay Leno show to prove someone can find the United States on a map.

This morning, he asked me to tell him about the states again. When I say, "Minnesota" he always says, "That's where our old house is." When I say, "Virginia," he always says "That's where my cousins live." But today, when I said "Kentucky" he said, "That's where Abraham Lincoln lives." And he's right, of course. Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky. Doesn't everybody know that?! ;-)

Sometimes I think that Boo Boo's only limitation in learning is what I haven't taught him yet. No pressure!


Anonymous said...

Funny thing, we didn't get to the punchline re: Mrs. Sederstrom but "Fifty Nifty" is EXACTLY what I first thought when you said you gave her a shout-out. Shout 'em! Scout 'em! Tell all about 'em! One by one, 'til we've given a name to every state in the USA. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut! Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawai'i, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana! OK, I'll stop. But it's sooo much fun!

+ luci

Ann said...

If he is anything like you or Jason....you have a little genius on your hands.

Anonymous said...

haha sweet!

i remember learning that song in fourth grade

by the way im learning more + more french-very exciting!

J'aime chanter! (And it seems like Dom does too!)

Hope I used that right!

All my love,
Auntie Melissa