Sunday, May 25, 2008

Boys of Summer

Early yesterday morning we packed up everything but the kitchen sink and headed for the Gulf again to welcome the beginning of summer. We knew we wanted Dear Husband to enjoy the beach, but didn't want to deal with the inevitable Memorial Day mob. We got there by 9:30am and the place was already pretty full.

Boo Boo decided that he was now afraid of the water and spent most of his time in the sand.

X-Man, on the other hand, wanted to spend all his time with in Gulf. When he was on land, he'd sign "Go" and "Water." LOL! We took turns carrying him and wading out to our waists so he could experience the really big waves -- and he just loved them! Many people had to laugh and smile at his chuckling.
On the drive home, we were happy that no one had gotten burned, and that we had missed the traffic jam then slowly creeping toward the Gulf.

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