Friday, November 9, 2007

Siegel's New Home

We have discovered that goldfish are "dirty fish." After four days in a bowl, Siegel produced enough waste to cloud his water.

Dear Husband commissioned me to find him a tank with a filter, so we set off for Wal-Mart bright and early the other morning. We ran into Guillermo (love it!), the store's fish guy, with whom we consulted for 15 minutes. The result is a new, improved, HUGE fish tank for little Siegel.

Both Boo Boo and X-Man just love watching Siegel, who has turned out to be a somewhat frantic fish.

We're hoping to get him some friends after our next two trips for Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Any ideas of how to feed a fish over a few days without getting a fish-sitter?)


Seasonal Learner said...

I have no idea how to feed a fish without a fish sitter. We just leave a bunch of food out for the cats, but cats really are self sustaining. They thrive when left alone. When I was sinlge I left my fish alone for one day with my cat and the cat tried to kill the fish.

I can't wait to see all the fish you guys are going to get. Now you need to get "Finding Nemo" and re-watch the fish tank scenes.

Anonymous said...

I believe that they make automatic fish feeders; consult your Wal-Mart expert, I'll bet he knows what to do.

Unknown said...

They do make automatic fish feeders :]
Auntie Missa

Anonymous said...

I have no helpful advice, just wanted you to know how much I love my daily dose of Humble Utterings! You have momentarily inspired me to get a fish for my children, and that with the news that they are "dirty"! :) Amazing . . . you should be in sales. AMD

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. Feed him once good and right and hope for the best. Or, you could have someone "fish-sit" and kill him. It happened to me. Sniff. Rest in Peace, Christo. He was such a good fish...

+ lucienne