Friday, November 2, 2007

The Shearing of the Dumpling

X-Man's hair was getting out of hand. It was growing down his neck, and curling behind his ears and falling into his eyes. I knew I had to get it cut at some point, but I wasn't ready yet.

X-Man is such a tiny child that I feel like he's still a baby. He's so light to carry, and still crawling, and wears size nine-month clothing. I wasn't ready for him to grow up and get a big-boy haircut!

Well, yesterday, I caved. I was tired of having to wash his hair after every meal, and he was looking like a muskrat more than a boy. So I hauled the boys to our neighborhood barber and had our little Dumpling sheared. He did fairly well, but was definitely ready to leave when it ended. We couldn't have done it without Signing Time's Rachel Coleman, as usual.

So, what do you think? Doesn't he look all grown up now? Presenting our little man ... but always our little Dumpling.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, he looks so cute! AMD

Seasonal Learner said...

Such an adorable little pumpkin! I think I'll wait to cut TBJ hair when he is 2..........too much for the mommy heartstrings?

Anonymous said...

Um, he looks like YOU with his new 'do. Is that possible??? He's Anne Frank!

I wish I could suck his little face off! :(

+ luci