Monday, November 19, 2007

Hello Again ... and So Long for Now!

We’re just resurfacing after our long weekend sans Daddy. All in all, we did pretty well – except for Saturday, when I was sleep-deprived (for mysterious reasons).

A few things worth noting:

• Dear Husband is extremely happy to be home after an intense convention (at which he saw President Bush, Chief Justice Roberts and Rudy Giuliani) and whirlwind stay in D.C. It’s still one of our favorite towns, but it takes a lot out of you!

• Boo-Boo has become addicted to the DVD “Ben Hur: Race to Glory” – an animated kids’ flick based on the classic movie with Charlton Heston. Any piece of furniture is a chariot, and any electrical cord is a rein. Let’s just hope he doesn’t injure himself or his brother in his “races.”

• I consulted with a pharmacist and he confirmed that Texas is an awful place for environmental allergies because nothing dies – it only molds. He introduced me to two life-changing treatments for my seasonal allergies/sinus troubles (write this down, Seasonal Learner and Luci!): Aleve D and NeilMed. Thanks, Amit! I feel much more like myself again.

• X-Man is sporting a new sign. On Saturday (as I was at my breaking point) we were getting ready to go out, and he brought my shoes to me. Then he sat back and put his little fists together. Shoes! It completely brightened what had been a cloudy day for me. God bless him!

• We are working on packing everything but the kitchen sink for our flight to Detroit (now rated the most dangerous city in the U.S. – not much of a shocker!) on Tuesday afternoon. Dear Husband will be flying Wednesday night. Please pray for few delays and smooth sailing – or at least the grace to deal with any challenges that may arise.

I won’t be posting for about a week, but you have better things to do than read this blog, right? Take this time to enjoy the holiday with family and friends, and give thanks for the bounty that God has given all of us.


Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

1. So thrilled to know the trip to Detroit went-off without a hitch. Praise God!

2. Slice got to witness W for real live? Sweet.

3. I sure hope Ben Hur doesn't kill off Jaguire.

4. Aleve D??? NeilMed??? Are these OTC??? Please Jesus!

5. I can only imagine how joyful you must feel when little X surprises you with new things learned... I can't wait to smother him!!!

+ luci

Stella Borealis said...


Would I tease you -- who never goes to the doctor -- with prescription meds? Of course not! I got these at Wal Mart (where else?!).