Sunday, November 11, 2007

First Touch of the Sea

When we decided to move to Texas about a year ago, I took out a map for a good look at the state and saw that we were within driving distance of the Gulf of Mexico. I was all excited about being able to go to the beach, until a native Texan broke the news: the water to the east of the Mississippi is clear (as in Florida), but the water to the west is full of silt. Lovely.

Still, I was determined to get our boys to the Gulf Coast. We drove down yesterday morning and visited an old sea town with charming architecture, tall sailing ships and oil refineries. (We could even see the oil rigs way out in the water!)

One of the things I like best about parenting is witnessing my children's "firsts" -- to see their eyes and minds and worlds open to an entirely new experience. Boo Boo ran into the sea and shrieked with delight, throwing himself into it even though he was fully clothed. X-Man couldn't stop giggling every time his tiny toes would touch the waves lapping the beach.

When we finally dragged them away from the Gulf, we all had sand everywhere, and our wet clothes made for an uncomfortable ride home. But the memory of the first time our laughing children touched the sea will make me smile to myself for a long time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cool! But I am in no way jealous of your sand-infested selves. After living in San Diego for five years and spending many a day at the beaches, I'm soooooo over sand. As Pat would say, "yucko bucko". ;)

+ luci