Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Heat is On

It's getting "cold" now in Texas. That means that it's in the 60s during the day and 40s at night.

We're Minnesotans, though, so we've been reveling in the gorgeous weather and not wearing jackets. (Yes, grandmothers -- I do put light jackets on the boys.)

When it started getting "chilly," one of Dear Husband's colleagues (who's from a neighboring state) asked him, "Are you going to be one of those annoying Northerners that doesn't wear a jacket all winter?" DH answered in the affirmative.

But yesterday, we broke down. We didn't turn on the heat before bed Monday night because it was 69 in the house. But as the night drew on -- and DH got sicker and sicker -- we started to get chilled.

In case you Minnesota readers are thinking we're wimpy Southerners now, let me explain. The same thing happened when we lived in Rome for a year. It never got below 40, but we'd hardly ever been so cold. Both Rome (near the Mediterranean Sea) and the Gulf Coast of Texas have the "wet cold." That means the cold gets into your bones and chills you through and through. In Minnesota, it's a "dry cold."

So, to make a long story short: the heat is now on at our house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. The non-Minnesotan cold. All I can say is this: I lived in San Diego for five years, after living in Minne for my first 26, and by the time I left to venture out yonder to Nashville, I was wearing a coat - albeit "light" - in 50 *and* 60 degree weather. And I still am. And probably always will now.

+ luci

P.S. I am sorry to hear that Slice is under the weather.