Thursday, November 15, 2007

If You've Got a Prayer to Spare

Just in case you were needing some prayer intentions, we've got a few for you.

1) Dear Husband left last night for a convention in Washington D.C., and will be gone until Sunday evening. Pray that his trip will be fruitful, edifying and fun, even!

2) Pray for us holding down the homefront. I'm not too worried about being alone with the boys this long -- for some very odd reason! -- but I'm experiencing some general malaise. (I think it's seasonal allergies again, as it's 85 here still every day and there's no frost to kill all the pollen, ragweed, etc.) I plan on spending the next few days laying on the floor and letting the boys play on or around me.

3) I'm also mentally preparing for yet another solo flight with the boys on Tuesday, this time to Detroit to visit Dear Husband's grandma and extended family for Thanksgiving. (Yes, I chose to fly alone again because it saved us hundreds and hundreds of dollars to go a day early.)

Thanks much! God bless you!

1 comment:

Seasonal Learner said...

I'm with you on the saving hundreds of dollars by leaving early.
I'm always nervous getting on a planw with our little cranky pants.