Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Taste of Minnesota

Grandma Lisa flew into town Wednesday and is spending the next few days with us, much to Boo-Boo's excitement. Even X-man has adopted her as his second favorite person (#1 is Dear Husband!). We're quite happy to see her and are enjoying having a familiar face around.

Today we spent the morning at the local children's museum, which was overrun by other moms and kids also trying to escape the heat. X-Man snoozed in his hammock-like sling, and Grandma did her best keeping up with Boo-Boo.

When we got home, we asked BB what his favorite thing was at the museum. He said, without hesitation, "Painting myself!"


Anonymous said...

Hi Anna!
Sounds like lots of fun!
We all miss you so much up here in Minnesota!
Love always,
Melissa :)

Anonymous said...

Hi AnnaMarie!

I've been thinking of y'all (in TX all y'all) and praying you're adjusting well. I enjoy reading your blog! Stay cool!
Jenny S.

Anonymous said...

OK, so it's been a week or so since I stopped by. So when I was scrolling down to get to the last post I read, I saw this little boy with a super shaved head and paint all over his face. I wondered who had come to visit you with Lisa... Yeah, so Boo Boo looks TOTALLY different without all of his luscious brown locks. WHAAAAAAAA.

+ lucienne