Sunday, August 12, 2007

An Action-Packed Weekend

We were blessed to host a dear friend this weekend, the universally beloved "My David" (as his wife calls him). He drove over from San Antonio where he has been in Air Force medical training, and spent the last few days helping us run errands and playing with the kids. (Both boys are in love with him, of course!)

After Mass today at Annunciation (Latin novus ordo -- pretty good!) downtown, Dear Husband and David escaped for an afternoon to take in an Astros game. What fun! Of course, at the seventh inning stretch here, they sing "God Bless America," "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" and -- you guessed it! -- "Deep in the Heart of Texas," complete with claps.

I enjoyed seeing the city center for the first time since we arrived. It's not as big as I had feared, and not a problem to navigate, thankfully. Strangely, it feels like we've been here a lot longer than less than a week!


Ron said...

Novis Order in Latin. I'M SO JEALOUS.

Lord, please cure me of my jealousy.

There, I feel better.

Chantless in Cedar Rapids

Anonymous said...

HA! Fear not, dear RD. Sept. 14 is right around the corner so there is hope for us all! Go Papa Benedict XVI!

My dear Stella, I am so happy you had your first visitor! And such a good friend, at that. Tres magnifique!

+ luci

Anonymous said...

Hey Anna!

Just wanted to tell you about something really cool that I found that I thought you might like,
Yahoo 360...

It's really fun and I have one, so if you get one let me know!!!


Anonymous said...

Actually, scratch that.