Thursday, August 9, 2007

On Our Way...

to Texas we experienced a few things that made us laugh, smile or just wonder:

* The six flags that fly over Texas: United States, Republic of Texas, Confederate, Mexican, Spanish and French

* Gas for $2.60 a gallon (unleaded)

* dead armadillos, belly-up on the side of the road

* store outside of Muskogee, OK: "Crazy Debbie's Fireworks"

* sign outside of Pryor, OK: "Concealed Weapon Training"

* front yard "store" in Wainswright, OK: "Bob's Junk"

* the town of Anna, Texas

* Billboard in Dallas: "Condoms to Go"

* Stores outside of Houston: "Guitars, Guns & Gold," "Bible Factory Outlet Center" and "Little Dude Mini Storage"

* "All My Friends Say" by Luke Bryan -- quite possibly the most quintessential country song of all time

* On the "Welcome to Texas" sign: "Proud Home of President George W. Bush"

* The only radio stations we can find are Spanish, country, Christian and rap

And the new-to-us- restaurants are fascinating:

* Sonic, in every little town, on almost every corner

* Whataburger

* Chick-fill-A


Abecedarius Rex said...

Excellent to know that you are all safe and sound.
Hokay! Now that you are in Texas, look for two restaurants in particular;
1. Pappadeux (best fried alligator ever)
2. Dickey's Barbeque Pit (the name says it all)

Also, be VERY aware of fire ants. Ants up here are cute and annoying. Fire ants are swarming and sting like bees. If you see a mound of loose earth, caveat!

Otherwise, good luck with everything and email or call us if you want further tips on Texas (like about the mud, or how to survive the heat, or how best to navigate the crazy roads, or what that strange smell is, or whether you should be concerned about stechibotrus, or...)

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? Well how 'bout Piggly Wiggly? Or Cock of the Walk = best catfish in town? Or Steak & Shake? it's all good livin' in the South, ya'll.

+ luci