Thursday, August 16, 2007

All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go

A few days ago, we were all sitting around (as DH hasn't started work yet) looking for something to do. I suggested that we go to the splash pad up the street for some family fun.

We all suited up, which took us about a half hour (kind of like getting ready to go outside with kids in the winter) and jumped in the car. We drove a few blocks to the splash pad, and it was CLOSED because it was TOO HOT outside. Then we drove a few blocks more to the outdoor pool. It was closed, too, for the same reason.

Can anyone explain why someone would close a pool when it's 98 degrees (heat index of 108) outside? Don't these people want to ever leave their air conditioned houses and enjoy a cool pool?

Defeated and puzzled, we headed back to our house to play in the new inflatable pool we bought. I pulled it out of the box, only to discover that it was missing the caps to seal the air in.

We didn't even have a sprinkler for Boo-Boo to run in. So we resorted to hosing each other off. Not the most exciting afternoon, but memorable still.


Anonymous said...

Haha must be pretty hot down there.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, A's! Necessity is the mother of invention, no? Running water in any form, on a day like you described, sounds GREAT!

Thanks for blogging -- I'm really enjoying your posts. And still prayin' for ya's :)


Anonymous said...

Um, is that Lisa I spy suited up and looking like an almost three year old?! Yowza. The kid is definitely from AMC.

+ lucienne