Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Not a Good Start to the Day

Today has been one of those days when it might have been wiser to stay in bed (as if that were an option).

First, I dared to go grocery shopping at Wal-Mart with the boys before we went to storytime at the library.
As I was reaching for a can of soup, a can fell off the shelf and hit me right in the mouth. I started bleeding inside and out of my lip and crying spontaneously from the pain, just when Boo-Boo decided to start screaming for me from the cart at the end of the aisle and X-Man starting wriggling in his sling. And I was only half-way through my shopping list...

When we got home, I put X down for his morning nap and took BB out back to play. And guess what was floating in his kiddy pool? Our first cockroach, of course. Mercifully, it was already dead. Not only are cockroaches grotesque and scary enough to send shivers up my spine, but BB is allergic to them, of course.
I'm just about ready to call it a day... =(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude. You weren't lyin! With your lip all puffy and sorta sexy like that, your pouter almost resembles Jessica Biel. Yowza.

Remember: the roach was not in your house. :P

+ luci