Sunday, August 19, 2007

Our New Church Home?

Today we attended Mass at Our Lady of Walsingham (our second time this week, due to the feast of the Assumption) on the other side of town. It takes us about 30 minutes to drive there, but it seems to be worth it.

It is an Anglican-use parish and has chant, an incredible choir and a gorgeous liturgy. (In 1980, JPII issued a pastoral provision so that Anglicans who converted to Catholicism could preserve the Anglican liturgical traditions within the Roman Catholic Church.)

Boo-Boo is enduring the hour-plus Masses fairly well, and X-Man and I have been enjoying the state-of-the-art crying room, which is always packed with moms and kids.

I think we'll visit one more parish before we make our final decision -- Holy Rosary, a Dominican church with a Latin novus ordo Mass. We are blessed with such choices!


Ron said...
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Ron said...
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Ron said...


Ok, doing better.

The most conservative parish in Cedar Rapids does have beautiful architecture, but a serious lack of beauty within. Unfortunately even in this "right-wing" parish we're still subjected to "sacred" music set to irish drinking songs.

So, how much extra room do you have in your apartment down there?

Back to work forming a sacred polyphony choir. St. Cecilia, pray for us!

God bless,

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna-
Just wanted to check how you guys were doing, Kim didn't have any details on you guys and what's happening with the bad weather close to you, send me an email or call sometime so we know you're doing okay!

Anonymous said...

Um, a communion rail? And a "newer" Church where the outside is actually ATTRACTIVE? I dare say you mus'nt venture elsewhere! Dude, I mean really.

+ luci