Saturday, March 15, 2008

Just Say No to Crawfish

Take a look at these photos. You might think you know what this is, but it's not. It is not doggie doo doo. No, it's not anything you would ever imagine on your own.

I've noticed these piles everywhere for the last few weeks, and have been horribly curious about what is making and coming out of them.

Finally, while we were walking through a field of them at a nearby city park, I had to ask a woman what they were.

"Oh, those are just crawfish holes," she told me nonchalantly. "CRAWFISH?!" I asked, incredulously. "Like the little crustaceans you order in a restaurant?!" She replied, "Oh, yeah. Some people eat them, but I don't." Me neither, lady!

I'm fine with a crawfish swimming around the water, even being caught in a swamp. But there's no way I'm eating something that burrowed out from the earth and made such a disgusting mess.

So next time you're at a restaurant, pass on the crawfish. You never know where it came from!

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