Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Quiet Time Intruder

Every day, when I put X-Man down for a nap, I enforce a quiet time for Boo Boo (who NEVER sleeps in the afternoon now). I've explained to him many times that both he and Mama need their quiet time during the day.

As an introvert (yes, the secret is out!) this is invaluable time for me to be alone, relax and put my head under a pillow if necessary. But lately, I've been getting a visitor during my quiet times.

When I hear him open my door, I pretend to be asleep. (I haven't pulled that one since I used it to get out of chores as a kid!) He used to check on me and then go back out, but now he's decided that he's there to stay. He climbs up on the bed and lays down next to me, and looks at me with his big brown eyes, and say, "Mama, I wove to snuggle with zhou every day during zhour quiet time."

Usually I have no problem telling Boo Boo "no," but who can resist this beautiful, fat-faced bugger, who just wants to be squeezed? I used to get a little frustrated with him about interrupting my personal time, until I asked him why he did it. "I miss zhou during quiet time, Mama. I just want to be with zhou." And that's a good thing, isn't it?

The time will come too soon when he'll wipe off my kisses and not follow me from room to room all day; at some point, he won't let me bury my face in his divinely plump cheeks and squeeze him until he squeals with glee. So I'm taking every chance I can get now -- even during my cherished quiet time.

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