Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Musical Beds

We are not family bed people. Some people are, some are not. We're definitely not.

I co-sleep with my newborns for three to four months at the beginning, when they're pretty quiet and easy. But after that, I can hardly sleep with a child anywhere near me. I have a really hard turning off "mom mode" when a child is in my room, awake or asleep.

Right now I am in Boo Boo's bed. Alone. With at least one of his hard, plastic, Noah's ark animals sticking into my back. Dear Husband is in the guest bedroom. And Boo Boo has our huge king bed all to himself.

Boo Boo's been awakening at 4am the last couple of nights, and DH has been great about getting up with him and putting him back in his bed. (He's not scared, just hungry; must be growing again!)

But tonight (or should I say, this morning?) when I heard Boo Boo crawl into our bed I played possum and waited for DH to take him out. But it never happened. I laid there for quite some time, waiting, until I slid off my side of the bed and peaked over.

There was Boo Boo's beautiful brown head, curled up on a pillow, and DH was nowhere to be seen. When I found him on the futon, he said that Boo Boo had crawled into his arms and fell asleep, preventing DH from falling back to sleep. We conferred and decided to not risk awakening BB by moving him.

So here we are: all in the wrong beds, and two of us getting little to no sleep. Looks like we're going to have to buck up tomorrow night and put BB back into his own bed immediately, so we actually can get a full night's rest! Right now, I'm trying to not dread the headache I will have while dragging myself around today. =P

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